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Measuring Up Fat takes up more than four times as much space as lean muscle mass. So if you want to reduce www fatties com your size, then reduce your percentage of body fat. An obvious indicator www fatties com is your waistline. If your pants are becoming www fatties com baggy but your weight is not changing too much, you know you are heading in the right direction. Another way to determine body fat is by taking measurements. This is easy to do, cost effective and can be easily monitored. Use a tape measure and record your neck size, chest (just across the nipple line), upper arms around the biceps/triceps region, waist (just below the rib cage, slightly above the navel), thighs and calves. Where applicable, measure both sides of your body and, if possible, measure at the same time of the day. Do this regularly once a week to track your results. For a professional opinion, have a skin fold measurement conducted. Skin fold measurements are taken by a skin fold caliper at different regions of the body.