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skinfold method using the Accu-Measure Body Fat Caliper, fats recommended in Body-for-LIFE and endorsed by the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation, is the least expensive, easiest way fats to get measured. This is also used by most health clubs and the margin of error is only 3.5%. You can do this yourself but it will probably be more accurate if someone else does it for you. Men will measure 3 areas on the right side of the body including chest: a diagonal fold of skin fats between the underarm and nipple, abdomen: a vertical skinfold taken 1 inch next to the belly button, and thigh: a vertical skinfold halfway between the hip and knee joints on the front of the thigh. Women will measure abdomen and thigh the same way but replace the chest measurement with triceps: a vertical fold on the back of the upper arm halfway between the shoulder and elbow. You add all three numbers, then look up your sum and age on a chart that comes with the calipers and that tells you your percentage. What Your Percentage MeansYour body fat percentage tells you if you're obese, healthy, lean, or an athlete.