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After summarizing the measurements taken from the sites listed above, a chart (developed by Jackson and Pollock) can be referred to, and body-fat percentage can torso be noted. BODY FAT CALCULATOR: CALIPER METHOD Weight: Pounds Kg Age: Years Men Only Chest: mm A diagonal fold halfway between the auxillary line and nipple. Abdomen: mm A vertical fold 2cm to the side of the umbilicus. Thigh: mm A torso vertical fold midway between inguinal crease and proximal border of patella. torso Women Only Triceps: mm A vertical fold midway between shoulder and elbow. Waist: mm A diagonal fold above iliac crest along anterior axillary line. Thigh: mm A vertical fold midway between inguinal crease and proximal border of patella. Results Body Fat: Fat Weight: Lean Weight: Fat Caliper equations developed by A.S. Jackson, and M.L.