In January 1961 the mouse pads nude teens

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In January 1961 the New York Safety Council releases a statement that of 54 cases of back trouble reported in just a single week a total of 49 of those were due to too much “twisting”. On 23 January his 3rd consecutive dance nude teens song titled “Pony Time” debuts on the singles charts later peaking at #1 where it stays for 3 consecutive weeks. “Pony Time” sets nude teens off a new dance craze called “The Pony”. The song debuted the same week on the charts by “Don Covay & The Goodtimers” but only peaked at #60 for them. nude teens The song is a rewritten version of “Boogie Woogie” that was written and recorded originally by “Clarence Pinetop Smith” in 1928. “Dance The Mess Around” a remake of a non-charting “Richard Berry” song debuts on 24 April and later going to #24 on the charts.
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