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A dance.  A legend.  Chubby Checker and his world-famous Twist.  Only the most successful single fat lover tgp of all time, "The Twist" has the distinction of hitting #1 in fat lover tgp two separate chart runs - a feat still unequalled four decades later.  And what of Chubby himself, whom millions of devoted teen fans dubbed their "leader?"  A delightful contradiction.  A rock 'n fat lover tgp roll star-by-accident who once said he preferred waltzes to his own brand of hard-driving dance music.  A fat kid who became one of the worlds best-known dancers. You had to love him, and oh, how we did!  At the height of his career, Chubby commanded fees in excess of $2,500 per performance (a pittance for rock acts today, but not bad money in the early 60s), and his name was used to market everything from footwear to frankfurters. 
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