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Most Recent Update: October 1, 2001 Return to Rock-and-Roll Page. Return to Home Page. Send email to the author, Tom Simon chubby gay men src="/cult/ilove/years/images/1961banner.gif" width="660" chubby gay men height="70" alt="I Love 1961" border="0" /> BBC HomepageEntertainment Cult homepage I Love... The 1960s 1961 Introduction Main Feature TV Films Music Fashion chubby gay men Toys Photo Gallery Time Machine Quiz Message Board I LOVE 1961 Music Chubby Checker - The Twist Teenagers loved it and parents were against it - until they realised it wasn't the dance of the devil but just a bit of harmless fun. Although Chubby Checker released The Twist in 1960, it wasn't until 1961 that the follow up - Let's Twist Again hit the UK top ten and the dance craze really lifted off.
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