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Perhaps no other artist has single-handedly changed the way an entire country danced. Chubby is a true original and one of the most recognized performers of his generation. We expect thousands of films people will be doing “The Twist” as the parade rolls down Broadway.” films “We’re very pleased to have such a wonderful artist films as Chubby Checker as the Grand Marshal of the Pegasus Parade,” said Steve Trager, Chairman and CEO of Republic Bank & Trust Company. “His infectious hits have entertained millions of fans from age two to 92 – just like the Pegasus Parade.” The 50th annual Pegasus Parade will begin at 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 5. The parade steps off at Campbell and Broadway with approximately 100 units to include equestrians, floats, marching bands, giant inflatable character balloons and celebrities. The 17-block parade route marches west on Broadway to Ninth Street. The event is broadcast live on WAVE 3 TV and is hosted by NBC Today Show’s Willard Scott. The parade is sponsored by Republic Bank & Trust Company. 
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