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Alcohol, accu measure- fat track gold & body fat tester accu-measure caffeine, medications, hormonal changes, recent exercise or drinking, even use of the toilet, can affect the reading. Each time, test yourself at accu measure- fat track gold & body fat tester accu-measure the same time of day under the same circumstances. Many health clubs and physical trainers offer another option for assessing body accu measure- fat track gold & body fat tester accu-measure fat: special calipers designed to measure skinfold thickness in several spots. These measurements are then used to calculate an estimate of body fat. Their accuracy varies widely, however, depending on the skill of the person performing this test. Since waistline fat poses the greatest health risk, you could also just measure your waist. A number of studies validate the greater health dangers associated with a large waist. A waist measurement over 40 inches in men, or over 35 inches in women, puts you at risk. (This article was provided by the American Institute for Cancer Research in Washington, D.C.)