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Accumeasure are the only calipers than allow you to test yourself and most studies have shown that they are very accurate. Using Hydrostatic Weighing to Measure Body Fat Hydrostatic weighing (underwater weighing) is the most accurate way to calculate body fat - that is, if you can find a hydrostatic weighing tank. How does hydrostatic weighing calculate body fat? By using Archimedes Principle. Your examiner first calorie counter calculates your body density by measuring the amount of water you displace when you immerse yourself in water. calorie counter Then a formula is used to calculate body fat based on your body density. calorie counter The problem is finding a facility (University, major gym or fitness center) which has a hydrostatic weighing tank!! Table 1. Body Fat Guidelines from American Council on Exercise Classification Women (% Fat) Men (% Fat) Essential Fat 10-12 percent 2-4 percent Athletes 14-20 percent 6-13 percent Fitness 21-24 percent 14-17 percent Acceptable 25-31 percent 18-25 percent Why Body Fat Measurement is Important Body fat is an important element in successful weight control.