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Overweight and obese people have higher fat mass. Obesity is rising sharply in young people. In this study, researchers asked if physical activity is linked to fat mass. They also asked if a teenager’s fat mass is linked to the mother’s level of fat mass. Who was studied? A total of 445 teenagers who were 17 years old, and their body for life mothers. Of the teenagers, 190 were male and 255 were female. body for life The participants were taken from a long-term Swedish study. That study has followed women and their children from pregnancy onward. How was the study done? body for life Both mothers and children had fat mass measured. This was done with a device that is also used to measure fat mass in athletes. The adolescents filled out questionnaires on physical activity. Questions dealt with physical activity at school and at home, and with transportation. Mothers answered questions about their level of education. What did the researchers find? Male teenagers had more physical activity and lower fat mass than females.