Combining its 1960 run age xxx plumpers

concerts, xxx plumpers , vintage records, quote, artwork, iowa city, hits, chubby amateurs , men, timothy mcsweeney's, teen girls, More hit records followed.  “Slow Twistin’”, Dancin’ Party”, “Popeye the Hitchhiker” and “The Limbo Rock” all came along in 1962.   1963 saw Checker return age to the hit parade with “Birdland” and “Twist It Up”, after which age he followed with “Loddy Lo” and a series of other novelty type tunes.  Eventually, teens incorporated these movements to all songs that had a beat and called these movements age “The Boogie”, a permanent fixture in Rock and Roll and popular Music 24/7.  While hits kept coming, the highlight of 1964 was Chubby’s marriage to Catharina Lodders, Miss World 1962.   In 2000, Chubby branched out into the snack food business commemorating 40 years of “The Twist” with Chocolate Checker Bars, Beef Jerky, Hot Dogs, and Popcorn, all to be washed down with Girl of the World Water (dedicated to his wife).
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Combining its 1960 run with its 1961/62 return, “The Twist” spent an amazing nine month total on the U. S. best seller charts.   Chubby Checker merchandise was xxx plumpers everywhere, and included T-shirts, shoes, ties, dolls, raincoats, and chewing gum.  His success continued for years with the release of one dance record after another, with “The Fly” and “Let’s Twist Again”, for which he won a Grammy for the “Best Rock Performance”. 
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