History was made. The director iowa city

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History was made. The music world had changed forever and would iowa city never be the same again. While Chubby Checker is not the king of rock and roll, iowa city he is the king of the music business. Chubby Checker is still out there doing what he does best. Entertaining and providing fun for people. He can be in your neighborhood doing the same for you. Be part of music history. Book him now! Barber & Associates acts only iowa city as an entertainment broker/producer for corporate functions, private engagements and special events. Barber & Associates does not claim or represent itself as the exclusive agent or management of any artist on this website. Barber & Associates is one of the country's top corporate and special event production companies. Barber & Associates will not respond to the following: Inquiries about up-coming public appearances, such as concerts, night clubs, festivals, fairs, etc.
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