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More research is needed to evaluate whether omega-3 fatty acids would have the same effects in people. perimenopause Supporting Research Al-Harbi MM, Islam MW, Al-Shabanah OA, Al-Gharably NM. Effect of acute administration of fish oil (omega-3 marine triglyceride) on gastric perimenopause ulceration perimenopause and secretion induced by various ulcerogenic and necrotizing agents in rats. Fed Chem Toxic. 1995;33(7):555-558. Albert CM, Hennekens CH, O'Donnell CJ, et al. Fish consumption and risk of sudden cardiac death. JAMA. 1998;279(1):23-28. Ando H, Ryu A, Hashimoto A, Oka M, Ichihashi M. Linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid lightens ultraviolet-induced hyperpigmentation of the skin. Arch Dermatol Res. 1998;290(7):375-381. Andreassen AK, Hartmann A, Offstad J, Geiran O, Kvernebo K, Simonsen S. Hypertension prophylaxis with omega-3 fatty acids in heart transplant recipients. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1997;29:1324-1331. Angerer P, von Schacky C. n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the cardiovascular system.