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Body fat requires fewer calories than muscle. So the less fat/more muscle we have, the more calories we can eat before gaining weight. Body fat is often expressed as our chitosan "Body Fat Percentage" or "Body Fat Percent." Body fat percentage is the amount of body-fat-tissue as a percentage of total body weight. If your total body weight is 160 pounds and you have 32 pounds of fat, your body fat percentage is 20 percent. Body Fat Calculation and Health The higher your percentage of fat above chitosan average levels, the higher your health risk for weight-related illness, like heart chitosan disease, high blood pressure, gallstones, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and certain cancers. Also, the higher your percentage of fat (and the smaller your percentage of muscle) the less calories you need to maintain your weight and therefore the easier it is to gain weight. This is because muscle is more metabolically active than fat tissue. Healthy Weight Loss Program For the BEST VALUE weight loss diet on the Internet, PACKED with "brilliant" weight loss tips, choose Anne Collins Weight Loss Program Return to Diet Home ANNE COLLINS WEIGHT REDUCTION PROGRAM My System | Weight Loss Diet Program | Reviews | 9 Diet Programs - Try Them All | Low Carb Diet | Balanced Diet Low Calorie Booster Diet | GI Diet | Cholesterol-Lowering