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If the results vary greatly, they should take additional measurements to narrow down the precision of the answer. nature's best The percentage that you obtain is your body fat. Multiply your body fat by your weight to yield the total amount of fat that you are storing. The difference between your nature's best weight and the nature's best total amount of fat that you are storing is your "lean mass". Many people mistake this for muscle - it is not. It includes muscle, but also includes bone, tissue, water, organs, even the contents of your stomach after your last meal. Just because your "lean mass" goes down doesn't mean you lost muscle. You might have lost water. Just because your "lean mass" goes up doesn't mean you gained muscle. You might have started to retain water. Again, use only as a guide - in general, your body fat should decrease over time until it stabilizes at a level that you are comfortable with. Instructions: there is a 3-site method and a 4-site method.