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Body fat was measured by DXA using a QDR-2000 Bone cardiovascular Densitometer (DXA Hologic, Waltham, MA). View this table: [in this window] [in a new window] Table 1. Site and specifications for anthropometrical measurements cardiovascular Percentage body fat (BF%) was calculated from DXA and SF measurements according to the cardiovascular equations by Durnin and Womersley (15) and Peterson et al. (17) . Equation Development A set of SFs, other anthropometric variables, and age were identified that best predicted body fat from DXA. The initial equations included the following variables: age, weight, height, BMI, circumferences (waist, hip, and thigh), breadths (chest, elbow, knee, wrist, and ankle), and SFs (chin, biceps, triceps, subscapular, chest, abdominal, hip, thigh, knee, and calf).