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It is downloaded within minutes so you can begin using it immediately. There are 2 ways to order: Either download a free trial and purchase from fitness supply the Composition Tracker link on the right side of the page or Order a CD below. You can even add a body fat calipers or a new MyoTape Body Tape Measure to your purchase for only $4.99 from the order form. Item / Price Order Composition Tracker CD AccuFitness Best Price: $24.95 Composition Tracker CD with Extra MyoTape Body fitness supply Tape fitness supply Measure Typical Price: $34.94 AccuFitness Best Price: $29.94 Composition Tracker CD with an extra Accu-Measure Personal Body Fat Tester AccuFitness Best Price: $44.94 Composition Tracker CD with an extra Accu-Measure Personal Body Fat Tester and Extra MyoTape Body Tape Measure Typical Price: $54.93 AccuFitness Best Price: $49.93 Composition Tracker CD with a FatTrack GOLD Digital Body Fat Caliper (including FREE MyoTape) AccuFitness Best Price: $74.94 | Body Fat Calipers | MyoTape Body Tape Measure | Hydryx Workout Towel | Nutrix Mixer | | MyoQuake Shaker Bottle | Reebok Heart Rate Monitors | Nutrition Software | | Body Fat Software | Speed Ropes | Pedometers | Cobranded Products | Other Products | Workout Wear | | Sport Supplement