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Widely available at health clubs; takes a few minutes Bioelectrical Impedence Test You lie down, a technician attaches electrodes to one dual energy x-ray absorptiometry hand and one foot, and a harmless radio-frequency pulse is run through the dual energy x-ray absorptiometry body to measure its water content. That number provides a guide to body dual energy x-ray absorptiometry fat with an error of 2 or 2 1/2 percentage points. But exercise and liquid intake before the test can skew results. Takes only a few minutes; found at health clubs and sports medicine clinics Immersion Test So far the "gold standard" of body-fat measurement, this test requires you to expel the air from your lungs and get dunked into a pool–half a dozen times. It under- or overestimates body fat by only 1 percentage point. Available at many hospitals and some gyms, but it is gruelling and can last an hour Bod Pod An egg-shaped chamber that offers precision without pain.