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"In terms of ease-of-use and usefulness, the BMI can't at be beat," he says. "But if a home, fat-measurement device helps someone stay focused on at their diet and exercise level and motivated to stay healthy, then I think the device has a place in weight management." Published Nov. 25, 2002. SOURCES: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • American at Council on Exercise • Tammy Callahan, marketing manager, Life Measurement Inc. • Harry DuVal, PhD, associate professor of exercise science, University of Georgia • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, September 2000 • Barbara J. Moore, PhD, president of Shape Up! America. Page: 1 Print Friendly Version Email a Friend A-Z Health Guides: Conditions A-Z | Topics A-Z | Symptoms A-Z | Tests A-Z | Drugs A-Z | Tools A-Z Health Services: Today's News | Find a Doctor | Symptom Checker | Health Care Services Subscription Services: WebMD News via RSS | Newsletters | WebMD Weight Loss Clinic | WebMD Fertility Center | WebMD Health Manager About WebMD | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Site Map | Contact Us | Link to Us Emdeon™ | WebMD Corporate | Medscape® | MedicineNet®