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Inc. All Rights Reserved. CLICK TO SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS Friday, February 15, 2002 TOM MOFFATT chubby bbw Chubby Checker has been performing since the 1950s, and stopped in Hawaii after scoring a hit with Hank Ballard's "The Twist." Here, he shows local promoter Tom Moffatt how to shake it. Chubby still twistin’, shakin’ and groovin’ By Tim Ryan chubby bbw Before Alexander Graham Bell, there was no telephone; before Thomas Edison, no electric light; before Henry Ford, no V-8 engine; before Walt Disney, no animated characters, and before me no dancing apart to the beat," says Chubby Checker from his chubby bbw office in Philadelphia. So announced Checker, 60, who some 40 years after the release of "The Twist" spends about 300 days a year on the road, performing more than 100 concerts. Checker exploded onto the music scene in 1960 to become known as the "King of the Twist."
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