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It was "The Twist," written and originally recorded by Hank Ballard in 1958. Q: How significant is "The Twist" to rock 'n' roll? A: Probably the most important of all chubby girl time when chubby girl it comes to dancing. Every dance where people don't touch one another started with that Chubby Checker song. It's still the biggest thing in the music business today. All the dances that people are doing today came out of that thing and what is that thing? Dancing apart from the beat. And who started that thing. Chubby Checker and it's documented on television. I want to make chubby girl sure the legacy never dies, which is why I've branched out into other products. Q: Like what? A: Well, Weaver Meats is now exclusively offering Chubby Checker Beef Jerky. We have Sugar Twist Jerky, Invisible Strength Hickory, Hot Twist Jerky, Young People's Flavor: Smooth Hickory and Young People's Flavor: Sugar Twist Check out.