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In the fall of 1961, Chubby made record industry history when "The Twist" re-entered the charts and by January of 1962, it was back in the #1 position. No other record before or since has accomplished that feat. Combining its 1960 run chubby checker free musiclyrics with its 1961/62 return, "The Twist" spent an amazing nine month total on the U. S. best seller charts. His success continued for chubby checker free musiclyrics years with the release of one dance record after another, with "The Fly" and "Let's Twist Again", for which he won a Grammy for the "Best chubby checker free musiclyrics Rock Performance." In 2000, Chubby branched out into the snack food business commemorating 40 years of "The Twist" with Chocolate Checker Bars, Beef Jerky, Hot Dogs, and Popcorn. Today, Chubby continues 40 years of live performances while releasing new studio music.