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Those found to be over their body-fat limits are entered into a mandatory weight loss program. Those who fail to maintain required body-fat standards are subject to administrative sanctions which can include stretches reprimands, denial of promotions, administrative demotion in rank, and even administrative stretches discharge. (Exception: The Air Force no longer uses weight/body fat measurements, except stretches for initial entry. Instead, a "Body Composition" measurement is an integrated componant of the Air Force Physical Fitness Test). Individuals who exceed the maximum weights shown on the below charts are measured for body-fat percentage: Army (new recruits) Male Female Army (standards after entry) Male Female Air Force (new recruits only) Male/Female Navy (new recruits) Male Female Navy (standards after entry) Male Female Marine Corps (new recruits only) Male Female Marine Corps (standards after entry) Male Female Body-Fat Procedures The Department of Defense formula to compute body-fat percentage is somewhat complicated.