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Besides, what's most important is not the "accuracy" per se, but the reliablity and consistency of your measurements so you can track your progress. Skinfold calipers in general are not accurate or inaccurate, it's the person doing the test that is accurate or inaccurate. Suggestion 3: If you have a spouse, roomate, or friend who can measure your body fat, you can purchase a Slim Guide body fat special needs caliper from Creative Health Products: The Slimguide is the best inexpensive caliper available (About $20), but it wasn't designed for you to measure your own body special needs fat. You'll need someone special needs to measure you with this caliper. Other models of body fat calipers (if you want to splurge), range from $150 to $450. (At our health clubs, I use the electronic "SKYNDEX" caliper with the 4-site "Durnin formula.")