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I have detailed charts for body fat charts in my e-book if you're interested. Once you know your body fat percentage, steroids then weigh yourself and record your steroids weight and body fat on a progress chart such as the one found in my Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Program (a fat loss program, not a weight loss program). This chart is how you will track your progress and "keep score." You can calculate your lean body mass (muscle and other fat free tissue) very easily just by crunching some numbers: For example, if you weigh steroids 200 pounds and you have 10% body fat then you have 20 pounds of fat (10% of 200 = 20). That means you have a lean body mass (LBM) of 180 pounds. Now we're talking! With this data, you can get a really clear picture of how your exercise and nutrition program are affecting your physique.