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For example, if you are 30 athletics years old: 220 - 30 = 190 (maximum heart rate) 190 x .60 = 114 (lower target limit) 190 x .70 = 133 (upper target limit) Or, use the AccuFitness Heart Rate Calculator to determine the best target heart rate zone for your exercise regime. Duration. This refers to how long you exercise. Twenty minutes is generally considered the minimum to get fat-burning benefit and to increase the growth of fat burning enzymes in your muscles. Although many experts suggest exercising for up to an hour, athletics this depends on your fitness level. If you're just starting out, go for 20 minutes and try to work up from there. Don't worry about the distance you travel while exercising; the time you exercise is what's important, not the distance. Frequency. This refers to how often you exercise. Shoot for a minimum of 3 times per week with no more than 2 days of rest between exercise sessions (so you don't lose conditioning).