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Your body has different energy "pathways" which burn either fat or sugar during exercise as the primary fuel. Following the simple guidelines below will ensure that your body burns fat during, as well as after, exercise: Type of activity. The best exercises for burning fat old fatties are those old fatties which can be done continuously and involve the most muscle groups (especially the large muscles of the hips and legs). The more muscles used, the more fat you will burn. Exercises which involve movement for brief spurts followed by rest (even through they may be strenuous), use sugar - not old fatties fat - as their primary fuel source. Fat-Burning Exercises (Continuous) Sugar-Burning Exercises (Stop and Go) Walking Jogging/running Aerobic dancing Jumping rope Cross country skiing Cycling (stationary or outdoors) Swimming Stair climbing Mini-trampoline Rowing Hiking Sprinting Tennis Racquetball Calisthenics Basketball Downhill Skiing Square Dancing Golf Keep in mind that the exercises in these categories are not black and white.