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This refers to your level of exertion or "pace" during exercise. spry Although some people still believe that if an exercise doesn't hurt, it isn't doing them any good, the "no pain, no gain" theory doesn't apply to fat-burning. If you exercise at too high an spry intensity, your body uses sugar as its primary fuel. To burn spry fat, you should exercise at a moderate, comfortable pace for you (to get the most benefit from exercise, think longer - not harder). A common way to tell if you're at the right intensity is to check your heart rate (pulse) with a Reebok Heart Rate Monitor during exercise since the rate at which your heart beats is directly related to how hard you're exercising. Try to check your heart rate several times during exercise to make sure you're at the right intensity (slow down or stop if you need to). To determine your "fat burning target heart rate," subtract your age from 220 to determine your maximum heart rate.