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In particular, it seems that the following review changes (among others) are in order: Listed Apparently Correct Case Body Density Body Density ---- ------------ ------------------ 48 1.0665 1.0865 76 1.0666 1.0566 96 1.0991 1.0591 Such errors help students become more aware of data integrity issues. Also note that case 182 is a particularly lean individual whose predicted review percentage of body fat is negative according to Siri's and Brozek's review equation and has been truncated to zero in the dataset. 9 (b) Choose one of the two percentage of body fat estimates, either Brozek's method or Siri's method. Fit this percentage of body fat in terms of some subset of the remaining variables excluding density, which is not easily measured. The researchers who collected these data, Penrose, Nelson, and Fisher (1985), built a regression model for fat free weight = (1 - fraction of body fat) * weight that used the variables weight, age, age^2, height, and (abdomen - wrist). Do you find any of these variables useful in fitting percentage of body fat?