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Many launch studies indicate that the DHA component of the Omega 3 family is essential to early childhood brain launch and retinal system development. Omegas 3s are therefore launch believed to be essential to good health and normal development of both the fetus and newborn. Research indicates that children born to mothers consuming higher quantities of omega-3 rich fish are healthier at birth and exhibit higher IQs later in life, especially if the infant is breast fed for 6-8 months. It is important to understand that the beneficial long chain omegas 3s are found in fish, not vegetable source omega 3s like flaxseed oil. The following links will guide you to some fascinating reading about the importance of omega 3 fatty acids in maternal nutrition: Essential Fatty Acids in Mothers and their neonates Omega 3s and Infant Retinal Development The Vital Role of Essential Fatty Acids for Pregnant and Nursing Women What are antioxidants and how do they benefit my health?