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plots of dependent versus independent variables, residual plots, the use of transformations of the independent variables in the model) when trying to build a regression model. They work in pairs on the following questions nature's way after I have given them some background on the variables in the dataset. 8 (a) Examine the data and note any unusual cases. Sort the cases, for example, by height, weight, and percentage of fat and note the nature's way distributions. What should be done, if anything, about these unusual cases? Suggest some rules for changing or deleting outliers. Comments: Much to the dismay of some students, nature's way there are a few apparent errors in the dataset. Case 42, for instance, apparently weighs 205 pounds, but measures only 29.5 inches in height! Fortunately, we can infer the correct values from other variables in the file. The lean body weight or fat free weight of this individual is listed as 140.1