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, just the 252nd case, each time recording the error. iv. skin fold Compute the standard deviation of the 252 errors to provide an estimate of the accuracy of skin fold the model. 14 Why is the resulting error estimate (the standard skin fold deviation in iv.) a better estimate of the true error that one should expect in using the model than the standard error? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this alternative cross-validation procedure compared to what Penrose, Nelson, and Fisher did. 15 In keeping with the other data analysis labs undertaken during the term, I serve as a resource/coach for student pairs during the class period in which they initially look at these data. After this class period the student pairs arrange to meet outside of class to continue their analysis and eventually write up their findings in a polished, word-processed report. Further details may be found in Egge, Foley, Haskins, and Johnson (1994, 1995).