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Columns 3 - 5 bbw swingers Case Number 10 - 13 Percent body fat using Brozek's equation, 457/Density - 414.2 18 - 21 Percent body fat using Siri's equation, 495/Density - 450 24 - 29 Density (gm/cm^3) 36 - 37 Age (yrs) 40 - 45 Weight (lbs) 49 - 53 Height (inches) 58 - 61 Adiposity index = Weight/Height^2 (kg/m^2) 65 - 69 Fat Free Weight = (1 - fraction of body fat) * Weight, using Brozek's formula (lbs) 74 - 77 Neck bbw swingers circumference (cm) 81 - 85 Chest circumference (cm) 89 - 93 Abdomen circumference (cm) "at the bbw swingers umbilicus and level with the iliac crest" 97 - 101 Hip circumference (cm) 106 - 109 Thigh circumference (cm) 114 - 117 Knee circumference (cm) 122 - 125 Ankle circumference (cm) 130 - 133 Extended biceps circumference (cm) 138 - 141 Forearm circumference (cm) 146 - 149 Wrist circumference (cm) "distal to the styloid processes" References Abdel-Malek, A.